Stewed Lentils and Tomatoes

stewed lentils and tomatoes, by the kosher foodies

These lentils are easy to make, can be made in advance, and are super healthy! Score! You can definitely just chop all the veggies and then throw everything together while preparing a different dish. It’s a great Sunday activity. For some reason, this Ina recipe was never on her show (according to the Food Network site), but it is in one of her cookbooks, which I own, and you can also find it online on her website. I made it vegetarian so we can use it with any type of meal. Continue reading

Kibbe bil Sanieh/Ground Meat Pie

Okay, so have you ever had kibbe? No, not the meat stuffed meatballs that we made a little while back. The kind with a bulgur shell that you fry and eat with lemon or tahine. Well, they’re hard to make. But they’re amazing. I’ve made them before, but never blogged them for you (aren’t I mean? One day I will). Well this has the flavors of kibbe, but is much easier to make.kibbe pie {the kosher foodies}


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Mushroom and Spinach Rice

Rice with an egg on top

Richie loves rice. So I try to make him rice in lots of healthy ways. I like adding veggies, cooking it in vegetable broth, adding an egg at the end for some protein. And of course I use brown rice. Rice is such an easy side dish, so I started trying to make it more often. It’s pretty cheap, can be brightened up in quite a few ways, and again, Richie really really likes to eat it. Eating it with a fried on top just means it’s a full meal for one of those really lazy weeknights. You have all your food groups right there! Vegetables, carbs, and protein. Plus the added deliciousness of the runny egg yolk mixed in makes it exciting enough to call dinner.  Continue reading