Beet Pesto Pasta

Behold, the prettiest pasta dish to grace my kitchen: beet pesto!beet pesto pasta with beet greens and ricotta {the kosher foodies}

Seriously, this meal was such a beautiful, lovely pink color, I can’t get over it! But I should also mention that it’s delicious; don’t just make it for its looks! That would probably hurt the recipe’s feelings. It really is a great thing to make to impress company, just don’t wear white like I did. I mean, we all know beets stain, so I should’ve known to wear an apron and/or non-white t-shirt to prepare this dinner.  Continue reading

Watercress Pesto

watercress pesto by the kosher foodies

Watercress is one of those “super foods” that I’ve been seeing a lot of lately. And summer is all about being healthy, so when I had a bag of watercress just lying in my fridge I racked my brain to see what I could do with it – and pesto was just the ticket! Pesto is a favorite summertime item because it’s so easy to make and extremely versatile. You can use it to dress up sandwiches, as a sauce on pasta, or even to spread over a simple fish or chicken. This pesto recipe is extremely easy to make, as long as you have a food processor or blender on hand.
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