Carrot Cake Cookies

Note: Don’t forget to enter our birthday giveaway!

You guys have heard about our love for carrot cake. Well, these cookies are a very easy way to get that flavor without fussing over layering and frosting a giant cake. We didn’t frost these cookies, but we’ll go ahead and tell you how you can, anyway.

We found this recipe in the May issue of Bon Appetit – they have an entire section on carrots, actually. They’re in season, so if you can find really great looking carrots at the farmer’s market, these will probably be better than the ones I made. Try them with purple carrots, too! I didn’t use raisins or walnuts, I’m just not a fan. I don’t like them in my carrot cake, either. If you do, then go ahead and add them. Continue reading

Strawberry Muffins

I’ve made this recipe more than once, and all I can say is sorry for not sharing with you the first times! This is such an easy muffin recipe that can be adapted for the seasons or the (not so great anymore) fruit you have on hand. It’s from the Art and Soul of Baking, which has made a comeback in my kitchen now that the semester’s over and I have time for more time-consuming baked goods.

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Cinnamon Brown Sugar Biscotti Bites

We promised you a new recipe for biscotti, and we may be delayed, but here you go!

These are very different from the last ones. They’re much easier to make, but that doesn’t mean they’re less delicious. We also cut them into much smaller pieces, allowing for much less breakage (like, we couldn’t make ice cream out of the crumbs), but you can really bake and slice them however you prefer. Continue reading

Banana Ice Cream with Peanut Butter Swirl

I don’t buy bananas often, because even though I hang them from my handy dandy dough hook, they turn from green to brown. The yellow stage is skipped altogether, and I’m left with a bunch of inedible bananas. Sure, I can make banana bread, banana muffins, or banana cookies, but one tires of those pretty quickly. Continue reading

Black and White Cookies

Black and white cookies are SO New York, but when you’ve lived here all your life, you don’t even know that people from outside this city can’t walk down any street and buy these delicious mini-cakes. People from all over the country talk about loving these cookies and stocking up when they’re here, but me, I hardly ever buy them from the store. They’re never as good as they should be, sometimes too sweet, sometimes too hard, and other times just gross (as with a lot of packaged sweets). So I took on the task of making them myself, and boy, I’m glad I did! Continue reading

Crackly Cinnamon Wafers: Take Two

So remember when I made those cinnamon cookies and froze half of the dough? Well, here’s that half, obviously unfrozen and baked. I did things a little differently this time, and I think they held true to their title this time, too; this batch was certainly crackly and wafer-y. Continue reading

Shavuot Recipe Roundup

Shavuot is distinct from most other holidays because we traditionally eat dairy (why?). This means that we can eat gooey cheesey dinners, and more importantly, we don’t have to make desserts using fake butter like we usually do!! So we always pick out some special recipes to share with our family during this holiday.

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Ina’s Deeply Chocolate Gelato

Even though we like frozen desserts all year ’round, they’re especially refreshing when it’s hot out. And being that Summer is right around the corner, I’m sure you’d all agree that it’s the perfect time to make gelato!

From what we can tell, Ina Garten really likes chocolate. Everything chocolate that she makes is really chocolatey. So it isn’t a surprise that her Deeply Chocolate Gelato is rich, creamy and, just like the title says, deeply chocolatey. If you really like chocolate and gelato, make this.

And if you like chocolate, you should make her Outrageous Brownies, which we’ve made a pareve version of a bunch of times (but they were pre-blog, so unfortunately we didn’t take photos… next time!)

Where were we? Oh, yes. Chocolate gelato. You should probably serve it with something not as chocolatey, like a fruity syrup or whipped cream.

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Crackly Cinnamon Wafers

This was my first baking project in my new kitchen! I must say that although they weren’t so crackly, they turned out pretty good; this bodes well for my future kitchen endeavors! Maybe I should change the name to Soft and Chewy but Crisp on the Outside Cinnamon Cookies?

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Half-Pound Cake

Pound cake is pretty much what it sounds like…You measure out a pound of all the ingredients, mix them together, and lo and behold you have a delicious, rich cake. It lasts a pretty long time on the counter, too. If you don’t have a kitchen scale, I’m not sure this is the right cake for you. I did take note of the volume, but I’m not sure how accurate those are. My advice? Get a kitchen scale! You can get a good one for 20 dollars. The smell alone is worth it. Continue reading