Whole Wheat Cabbage and Mushroom Galette

I’m not really sure why I bought savoy cabbage, but I did, so I had to make some dinner with it. I originally wanted to roast it in wedges and serve it with the leftover sausage from this salad, but I ended up using that for something else. Apparently people make galettes with savoy cabbage, so that’s what I decided to do!


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Meatless Mondays: Lime Coleslaw

Here is a meatless and satisfying side dish for Meatless Monday:

Okay, okay. I know it’s still Sunday! But you have to make this ahead of time to let the flavors really set, so make this tonight before going to bed and eat it with dinner tomorrow!

I had some leftover cabbage and limes from our Pad Thai dinner, so I obviously had to make coleslaw. It’s easy to make, requires no cooking, and is barely any cleaning to do once you’re finished. The result is a crisp, refreshing, and delicious take on coleslaw.

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